The Wild Rose Ranch Diana and Rocky Schliefer. In the beautiful Wisconsin Dells area where there is so much for everyone. After one year of searching
we found the perfect setting for our horse ranch.
Nestled in the bluffs of
Baraboo Wisconsin over looking large glacier carved valleys and surrounded
by hundreds of acres and tree filled state parks. The home and the stable is completely done in a rustic log design to give our guest and family a relaxed setting to enjoy. A place to really let your hair down. Five minutes
from the world's largest water parks, casinos and shopping .Two mile from
Circus World Museum.
In search for the right breed of horse to fit our life style. We interview
with many professional trainers and found the Morgan Horse was the right fit
for us . With ten grandchildren and a large family, a well minded and good
disposition would be important.
When we bought Queen's Starfire a nice park mare and she took us into the
show arena. There we met a lot of wonderful people in the Morgan Breed.
Then we bought Treble's Mucho Uno this well breed western pleasure stallion.
With the desire to get Diana to the show arena we bought Bears Covergirl.
This was very exciting. In the year 2005 each one these three horse won
World and National titles.
We found that the breading was what we enjoyed .So we approach having a
breeding program the same way we did ever thing else. With lots of research
and asking the right people for help. With their love for the horses they
breed top breeders where very approachable and helpful. The stories they had
to tell were interesting and heartfelt.